18 juli 2012

"A Giant among Actors"

Read an interview in The Times here, on Sir Christopher Lee and his service during WWII, and his view on EU, amongst other things. I am probably too much of a product of my post-89 generation (I was a teenager then) to agree on his views.
Vivid and intelligent interview.

Additional note: A reader of this blog has informed me that there are difficulties reading this text, are you not a subscriber. I am sorry for any inconvenience. The article is called Christopher Lee: A giant among actors, and was published 20th November, 2009. You can find it at the journalist's own webpage.

Thank you for tips!

5 kommentarer:

  1. aw, I desperatly want to read this, but it won't let me without purchasing a subscription! any chance you've seen it anywhere else?

  2. Sorry - and very strange! I just surfed in on it. No, I can't say that I have seen it anywhere else. Are you on twitter by any chance?

  3. No, but I'm on Facebook.

  4. I think this may be the same article from the writer's website.

  5. Yup, that is it. Thank you for posting the link.


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