17 juli 2012

The King of all cult movies

I have this special edition of The Wicker Man, (1973) containing both the uncut verision, such as the film should have been - and the theatrical version. This is the King of all cult movies, and damn it, it is scary. "OH GOD! OH JESUS CHRIST" makes my flesh crawl. That seargants howling on the top of that hill is horrendous. Call me a whimp, but that is the way it is.

First time I saw the film (about ten years ago) I felt I had taken part in something extremely disturbing. I havn't seen it since.

When I resaw it last night, that aha-surprise moment was gone, but the feelings of taking part in something I shouldn't have, was still there. "A martyrs death" - and by that white shirt we all know: This is going to be bloody awful.

The most creeping feeling is the realisation that these people don't see anything good or anything evil in anything - it just is. The set of values we otherwise take for granted (You shall not kill) is simply just not there. Not because the people are evil or overpowered by an evil demon, but because they have learned other things.

Sometimes this film is described as a film about a sect, and sure, you could see it like that. You should't be too political about these things, but in this day and age someone could very well see it as a symbol of a downfall of the christan civlization.

I prefer just to watch Lord Summerisle in kilt and forget about all that.

Makes me less uneasy.

Additional note: 
My collectors number on that special edition box shown above is number 34380.
This guy has number 6000 something...


2 kommentarer:

  1. I absolutely LOVE your blog? Sir Lee is simply the best. I agree with you about the wicker man. It makes one feel uneasy for sure. I love the kilt though. And watching Lord Summerisle skipping in a dress and his Chuck T sneakers. Never fails to make me laugh.

  2. Hi! Thanks for commenting! I love putting this blog together. I have adored this man forever, it seems.:-) Please feel free to share links and stuff. The blog is new and not at all known yet. And I think there are so many people out there like us, don't you? Best to you!



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