6 sep. 2012

Gormenghast at last

This night I started to watch Gormenghast (2000). Never knew of the story before I ran into it through reading about SCL. Call me illiterate, but to my defense I might say I do not belong to the anglo-saxon world. Not in that sense, anyway. Had no expectations what so ever, not knowing anyhting of the main theme.

But very atmospheric! Mr Flay!

Additional note: It is not like anything I have seen. Incredibly well set, acted and filmed. Terrifying, cruel. There are lots of criticism on society, lots of dark observations on human nature here. NOT a story for kids. Not in any way. It is acutally very odd. Is this really a children's story to begin with? Would they understand it? I know I would just have thought it to be very either odd or scary, or probably both at once. I will for certain see both part 3 and 4, but everything is so twisted and that evil, evil kitchen boy. I really hope he will get his in the end.

1 kommentar:

  1. Peake didn't regard it as a children's book. He did write a few books for children but Gormenghast was not one of them.


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